*** Rajeev Mundhada***
There is a new phenomenon going around here- its called fiction writing. every member in my batch is furiously typing on his/her laptop whenever there is any free time....um, its a creative bug of a different kind. so what brought about the change? its this not so innocuous reasearch project that is due for submission in, well, 12 days time. (i think)
ARP- Applied Reseach Project was introduced to us in our very first week of stay at Dubai (unfortunately). Since then we are reminded of it at every drop of a hat. Technically speaking, we have been working on our ARP for 5 months now....only we know the facts.
So seeing the typing-mania, my ARP partner and i have been 'talking about' gearing up too. My ARP partner is the 'droopy-eyed' Rajeev Mundhada. We zeroed upon our research topic with killer enthusiasam in April, and thought that nothing could go wrong with this one (what cld be more wrong than the two of us working on a project together!)
Since then, our research topic has changed atleast 4 times, we both have different recollection of our exact topic now.-and to date have not understood our topic in its entirety. Our objectives are tuned, fine tuned and refined everytime we meet our mentors. I dont remember working as much on my project as on the objectives and title. Till 4-5 days ago our reasearch project was just two pages long! (believe me).
Its not like Rajeev and I are not concerned about our ARP. In fact in the last few months the most common conversation bewteen us has been something like this-
me- "hey rajeev"
RM- "Hey Priyanka"
me- "Dude we got to work on our ARP"
RM " True true. lets seriously sit down on it today"
Me - "totally"
RM- 'lets pings each other around 11 pm then"
Me- "sure thing"
Ofcourse, neither of us bother to ping eachother.
If there cld be an award for repeat conversation then we wld win it hands down. The only thing that changes in our conversation is probably the level of intensity depending upon the ARP review schedule.
So what do rajeev and i bring to our (omnious) ARP, besides our charmming pesonalities? Great fiction writing skills!! people wait till the two of us get cracking on it.
My sole regret (or not) is that our report is going to cause great Acid Reflux to whosoever reads it.