Tuesday 26 December 2023

2023-you were so giving!

 Not sure if this is a common feeling or just unique to me, time is flying so fast! I feel like Nyra was born just yesterday and we already celebrated my doll’s 5th bday this year. We had a princess theme bday, an elaborate event at the Palms club. 

This year I have been blown away by the conversations that Nyra & I have been having- her gentle heart, loving & forgiving spirit and the pristine beauty is something that I, as the maker of the product, is most bowled over by! What a joy it’s been to chat with her specially during our morning & afternoon school runs! 

Don’t miss the princess look and vibe [&poses]. She is every bit it and some more. But what made mama’s day on her bday was her telling me end of the day that her bday party was even better than she had ever imagined! Mamas heart melted, i tell you.

If Nyra was a revelation this year, then so was work. What a year I have had. Nothing could have prepared me for the kind of year this turned out to be. I literally walked into the eye of a storm starting January this year. And thru it all, I am so proud that I held myself together, sometimes surprising even myself. I didn’t think I had this in me. The power of my gut was the most important revelation I had about myself this year. I don’t run from a fight!

The other revelation, though not a happy one, was that relationships come with baggage. Sometimes, one is happy to carry the baggage and sometimes it may be too much. The closer the relationship the more baggage it comes with. This year, I feel I had my fill of it and want no more. If its not making me happy then I will not devote my energy to it, period. 

How can any post be complete without a mention of my continued tryst with weight loss. Not sure if there is a theme more recurring than this. In 2023 I could finally find answers to what had led to the weight gain, PCOS, however, finding answer is not necessarily the end of it. I presumed that once my meds would start then Bam! I would be back to being myself. But well that was wishful thinking. So now i am on another new diet and struggling with not just physical appearance but physical health too. In 2024, i need this to change, if there was ever a cry for help then this is it!

2023, you made me a better mother, and a better professional; you have been kind with love of family, friends and peers. In 2024, i want to take all of this to the next level, reveal that fearless me ready to go into unchartered territories and to enjoy the ride!

Ciao 2023, you were so fun!