Friday 28 June 2019

Far too long!

Hello there!
It’s been ages since I posted anything. Honestly the post marriage bliss (short lived) and madness (continuous) made me lazy and forgetful. I guess it’s also a by product of feeling overly sluggish and sloth-y. What’s a fact is that no matter how sorted you may feel you are, marriage really throws you off your game. The degree of dispersion depends on how well you have kept yourself connected with your life as it was before marriage. In my case the fact that marriage made me move to a new city (Gurgaon) altogether made that difficult. In the first 2 years of our being together, I found myself relying on my husband for near about everything. All my outings- movie, coffee, drinks, shopping, window shopping would happen in the company of my husband only. Romantic!! It’s another matter that he was  my designated (read- only ) driver to drive me around for these outings.
At the time of posting this, it’s already nearing the first quarter of the year 2019. Nikhil and I have been married for over 3years now. It’s been a bumpy ride definitely ( I find it hard to believe anyone who makes marriage seem like a cake walk- it really isn’t) I think I can confidently claim that we have successfully had our share of fights over almost every issue under the sun. Some topics have been ridiculously inane. And then there are some topics that I don’t even remember after the fight is over and dust settled. For what it’s worth, I am happy that we have been so versatile in picking our fights. In terms of covering ground in 3 years of marriage-we have literally taken it seriously to the extent that we lived separately (Gurgaon - Mumbai for almost a year). This was of course for work only.

So here I am today, 3 years post marriage- still picking fights with Nikhil, in between carrying out mommy duties for our darling Persian cat- Buzz and our little bundle of joy-Nyra!! Oh yes she happened too! Life has smugly graduated me from a couldn’t-care chick to a hyperactive, super paranoid Mommy. More on Nyra and Mommyhood next time.